Julio Arroyo - IMSD 14

Julio Arroyo: BS, Biomedical engineering, Texas A & M, SBES
Rotation Labs: Dr. Rafael Davalos (BioElectroMechanical Systems Lab) and Dr. Jenny Munson (The Munson Lab)
Lab Selection: Selected to be primarily advised by Dr. Davalos in the BioElectroMechanical Systems Lab
Aspiration in pursuing a PhD: My aspirations in pursuing my PH.D are to become a research scientist investigating novel routes for targeting cancer and delivering novel therapeutic treatments.
Fun Fact/experience: A fun fact about me is that as a kid I was jumping on my bed, fell off, and broke my head (cracked my skull) like the nursery rhyme
Hobbies/activities: I like to binge watch TV shows, workout, and play sports with friends!